Tuesday 16 February 2016

Rabbit & Lion

Once upon a time there lived a ferocious lion in the forest. It was a greedy lion and started killing animals in the forest indiscriminately. Seeing this, the animals gathered and decided to approach lion with the offer of one animal of each species volunteering itself to be eaten by the lion everyday. So every day, turn by turn, one animal offered itself to be eaten by the ferocious lion.

Eventually one day it was the turn of rabbits  to send one among them as the offering to the lion. The rabbits drew a lot to decide who among them would go to the lion. It turned out to be a young rabbit. The young rabbit's parents felt very sad. Their son had recently acquired a post graduate degree in management and they had been looking forward to his bright career. But there was no way they could evade the misfortune. So they sent their son to the lion with a heavy heart.

On the way to the lion's den, the rabbit recalled a case study he had done about the wise rabbit that had fooled a lion by making it jump into a well, thereby causing it to die. He also recalled all the theory that he had been taught in his management school. So the rabbit analyzed the problem, identified the objective, listed the alternative courses of action, decided the best alternative , constructed a model and derived a solution from the model to escape being eaten by the lion.

Then as planned, it took its own sweet time to go to lion. As expected the lion got impatient on not seeing any animal come by and swore to kill all animals the next day. The rabbit then strode along to the lion by sunset. The lion was angry and the rabbit sold him all the well planned story about the another lion eating away all in the group of rabbits except him. He added that the other lion was challenging his supremacy of his lordship, the lion. The lion as expected got enraged. The rabbit led him towards a deep well filled with water. Then he showed the lion its reflection in the water of the well. The lion was furious and started growling and naturally its image in the water, the other lion, was also equally angry. In its effort to haste lion's jump into the well the rabbit came forward and provoked, "your lordship, jump in and kill him." Oops...the lion saw the rabbit's reflection as well and heard the echo of its voice as well. The lion lost no time in sensing the whole plot and enjoyed the delicious meat of the silly rabbit.

Moral : Tried and tested methods too can be ineffective unless executed prudently.

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