Monday 14 March 2016

Dove and the hunter

Once at dawn, when the moon was setting over western mountains, a cunning hunter started his day with his net on his shoulder and a bag of grains in his hand. He found the right spot of land and scattered few fistful of grains on the ground and then spread out his net over the grains. He then left the place sure to find some birds caught in his net when he returned later.

Just then, the leader of doves with his flock was flying around in search of food. They saw the grains and flew down to pick up the grains. Whoops! In a trice they were all caught in a net. A terrific commotion broke out amongst the trapped doves.

Then the leader cried out, "Friends, we are in great danger. Unless we pull ourselves together immediately and think of a way to get out, there is no doubt that we shall all be caged. Now I propose that we all catch hold of the net at the same time and fly upwards together."

But unfortunately the leader's proposal was met with doubts and objections because most others in the flock thought themselves to be equally competent, intelligent, experienced and deserving to be the leader. Failing to achieve a consensus on the plan of action they all decided to take the service of a reputed consultant. So after much discussion, the wisest of the birds, the Owl,was appointed as the consultant.

The owl arrived and pretended to observe the situation. He heard the leader's proposal. But he did not give them a prompt solution for two reasons- first, how could he justify his hefty consultancy fee if the solution came so fast ans second, being an owl he could act and see only after sunset. But, a consultant that he was he knew his job too well. He immediately formed three syndicates out of the doves and gave them one topic each to study and submit reports-'team strength vis-a-vis the weight of the net', 'How many grains each dove must eat to generate enough energy required for the task and Feasibility study on finding a mouse to cut the net.' The doves enthusiastically started their syndicate discussions and prepared Power-Point presentations  on the laptops (of course, arranged by the Owl). Whether effective or not but each syndicate instinctively knew the presentation must look  impressive.

The sun was setting and the Owl could now act. He suggested the solution, 'all catch hold of the net at the same time and fly upwards together." They all agreed to act as suggested by the Owl. Oops! But it was too late. The hunter was already back to take his day's catch.

Appropriate decision taken in time is better than perfect decision taken later.

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